Our Story
When Susian and I decided to move out to the country in 1997 we started looking for animals to raise on small acreage. We thought about cows but realized we could raise 6 sheep to 1 cow in our area. Also, we did not have enough land to raise cows. Since I grew up in Central Texas with sheep, I knew that was the best was to go. We purchased 18 head of Barbado ram lambs to raise for the big game hunting ranches in West Texas. We made money with them; however, they tore up everything in the pasture. I knew not to get wool sheep because we could not get them sheared in our part of the county.
After more research in 1999 we found the Katahdin hair sheep. No shearing or tail docking, that was a fix for us. We pride ourselves in raising the best registered replacement stock possible by using just old-fashioned record keeping and good grass management.